Adventures, Food and Drink, Lagniappe

New Orleans Jazz Fest 2018 High Notes, Part 1


“Life is a lot like jazz… it’s best when you improvise.”

-George Gershwin


Well, I have to say, New Orleans Jazz Fest was even better than I expected! As I mentioned in my Top Ten Tips Post, it wasn’t even on my bucket  list.  I really thought I would somehow be missing out on  New Orleans if I spent my whole weekend at the Racetrack at one event, even if it is a world-class music festival. Typically, if I’m heading to New Orleans, I need the full BIG EASY experience. However, I can happily say, I got the whole enchilada this weekend and I want to share it with you (or Hot Tamale, read High Notes Part 2, you’ll see what I mean.)

Here are a few reflections on the weekend:


Location, Location, Location


Just like buying a home, it’s all about the real estate at New Orleans Jazz Fest. When the gates open, have a clear map in your head of where you are going. Know in advance the line up you want to see, and at which stages the majority will be. OR, if you’re really there to catch the big act at the end of the day, set up at that stage first thing in the morning. If you lollygag or wander, you lose precious tarp space in your quest for proximity to the stage. This really involves strategizing carefully and being ready to race out of the opening gate.

John and Jenn have done Jazz Fest 8 years running, and we followed directions as newbies. Newly learned fact about John, the man can speed walk about 40 miles an hour when it comes to grabbing a spot at the main stage.


Friends and More Friends 


So you know, there are no strangers at New Orleans Jazz Fest. Don’t show up thinking you’ll be all quiet and about your own business. Hanging out for 12 hours in the same location while the wine, beer and good vibes flow makes everyone good company. And truly, the people are friendly. Just standing in line to get in nets you new best friends for the day. Setting up your tarp is a getting to know your neighbors event too.

Helping your neighbors set up pays dividends. For instance, Saturday afternoon we walked away from our reserved spot (tarp on ground with our stuff spread out). A sudden little rain shower blew up and we figured anything paper (I had a book and a notebook sitting out) were likely to be ruined. But nope, those new best friends one tarp over had covered it all when the sprinkles started. 


Music at New Orleans Jazz Fest


The meat of the matter is the music. And boy was it something. The big names were professional, and put on a show, but the local and the regional performers, they tore  it up. Mark Sheryl Crow  off the “to see” list, as well as Aerosmith. I won’t be searching out their next venue. They were great, don’t get me wrong. But let me tell you, if CJ Chenier is anywhere in the Southeast, playing his Zydeco, I’m going to be on the road to find him. Not just him, but his washboard player and his cowbell player (yes, that is a real instrument and that man is my quirky Jazz Fest Crush.)


Cow Bell Guy New Orleans Jazz Fest
Sassy Cow Bell Guy




Now I know, there’s no way not to enjoy a feast in New Orleans, no matter what the event or part of town. Jazz Fest did not disappoint in the chowing down department. As my eBay friend Rachel suggested, we stopped by the Patton’s Food Truck for our first meal. The sampler plate was loaded up with three delicious entrees, just enough to get a taste and not be too full when the next opportunity came along. Brisket BBQ on a bun was the next fabulous, mouth explosion! Cooked tender with loads of flavor, this one was shared with the SO, even though I could have  eaten it all by myself. Crawfish Monica, famous in its own right, has been served up for 35 years and has its own fan following. Let me put it this way, there is no bad food at Jazz Fest. NONE.


Crawfish Monica New Orleans Jazz Fest
Crawfish Monica – Kajun Kettle




Now, you can’t choose the weather, but you can choose how you react to it. Or some variation of a saying like that, I think. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, seriously. At the start of the week, the forecast was for an 80% chance of rain, and I was a bit concerned. However, we packed accordingly, and watched each day as the chance decreased. Of course by Friday, it was back up in the 70% range. No worries, we got a little wet, the sun came out, we dried off. End of story there. ( And no one gave in to the urge to swim in the puddles! Thanks again, Rachel, for the good advice).

Well, this sums up the actual high notes of what to expect on the grounds, but keep reading Jazz Fest High Notes Part 2 to get more tips on making this a really memorable weekend! Click below to enjoy a little video slideshow. If you like this feature, click here to learn more! Yes, if you buy I get a small commission 🙂





18 thoughts on “New Orleans Jazz Fest 2018 High Notes, Part 1

  1. I heard about New Orleans from the movie “Chef” and it makes me inspired to visit it soon! And I love Jazz 😀

  2. Was in New Orleans a few years ago—nothing beats the food, music and unique, quirky vibe. Looking to get back there soon! Thanks for the tips shared here.

  3. Seems interesting and worth the money. I hope I can one day experience all of this. I hope you enjoyed it.

  4. I’m sure you had a wonderful time. Good music + food + friend = FUN . Thanks for sharing I hope I can experience this, too!

  5. I really love New Orleans. It’s my favorite state next to New York. A Jazz Fest sounds amazing.. I wish I could experience it too

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