Adventures, Lagniappe

New Orleans Jazz Fest 2018 High Notes, Part 2


“What happens in Vegas may stay in Vegas, but what happens in New Orleans, goes home with you.”

-Laurell K. Hamilton



Novel Blondes New Orleans LAGNIAPPE


Now for the LAGNIAPPE! If you’re not familiar, this term is associated with the Southern Louisiana and Southeast Texas regions, and means a little something extra. So when Novel Blondes digs a little deeper to entertain or inform, that’s our little lagniappe or gift to you. You might want to start with New Orleans Jazz Fest 2018 High Notes, Part 1.




We oh, so lucked out on this one! Our decision to attend Jazz Fest happened late in February, so the rooms with discounted festival rates were claimed for the most part. Those that were available were too far away for our taste. Location is key. Parking is sparse and costs in the 30-50 dollar range. If you get towed, it will cost 200.00 to reclaim your vehicle. (Guess how I know that?) Anyway, we just threw a dart at the map so to speak, booked an AIRBNB in midtown, and hoped for the best. The plan was to catch a ride with  Cousin Jenn and her hubby John, but just in case, we picked a spot close enough to schlep it to the streetcar line. Our dart throwing paid off with a nice little private suite on Carrollton Avenue, one block from a streetcar stop.

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Manuel’s Hot Tamales


When Jennifer and John pulled into the driveway of the AIRBNB the first morning, they leapt out of the car yelling like the house was on fire. “OMG, you’re staying at Manuel’s!!” Who the heck is Manuel?

Turns out,  our AIRBNB  house has a proud New Orleans history. Manuel’s Hot Tamales were served fresh out of the downstairs street front for more than 40 years. Hurricane Katrina hit in August 2005. As the water rose, the staff cooked and served every last bit of food they had available, then shuttered the store. That was the end of Manuel’s.

Our hosts purchased at post Katrina prices  in 2008, with the intent, according to newspaper articles we found, to turn it into a sandwich shop. Instead, it is now a beautiful home with private AIRBNB space on the back side. What was the store front is now enclosed as part of the residence. How did Jennifer and John know the history? Turns out, their first little newlywed cottage was in the same block. Manuel’s Hot Tamales was a treat the locals indulged in regularly, and we heard several people reminisce fondly about the popular hangout when they found out where we were staying.


Manuel's Hot Tamales
Manuel’s Hot Tamales Storefront

A Few More Tips


Go ahead and let your hair down!


Literally and/or figuratively, whichever you prefer. But not in a felony or even misdemeanor way, ok? For us, it was singing along, sipping along, and acting the fool when appropriately inappropriate. Yep, Cupid Shuffle, I jumped in. That cute boy band, we grabbed our photo opp. That was serious fangirling, and it went something like this:

Natalie: Are those guys in a band? They said they were in a band!

Me: Hang on I can’t see that far, let me squint….

Jenn: That is the band we heard this morning, OMG! Let’s go talk to them!!!

Natalie: Yeaasss! I want to talk to the boy band!

Me: NO. We don’t need to talk them!

Natalie and Jenn: YES WE DO!! You’re no fun, let your hair down a little!!

Me: OMG, ok……cue me sitting on lap for photo opp (Don’t tell my kids or my parents LOL!)

The point is, this is no place for stuffed shirts.


Novel Blondes with the Band



Wander around Bourbon Street or Frenchmen Street


If you want to see a celebrity in the wild, the weekends of New Orleans Jazz Fest are prime for celebrity spotting. Steven Tyler from Aerosmith was reported to be carousing down in the quarter and actually sang in a few of the bars. We opted to go down to Frenchmen Street Thursday night, not Bourbon Street. I was perfectly happy with that choice, and highly recommend The Three Muses, Bamboulas, and DBA for getting your Bourbon Street vibe in a much smaller scale setting, and a little more upscale to boot.


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I’m a collector of quotes, and I love to hear the gem in any occasion. Sometimes I hear what sums up an experience, a feeling, a moment. So the first morning, we set up our camp and we watched those around us set up. Guy walks up directly in front of us, stands a moment, then pulls a substantial flask out of the front of his pants. “Whew, there wasn’t enough room for the two of us down there!” Yep, it was one big party.



18 thoughts on “New Orleans Jazz Fest 2018 High Notes, Part 2

  1. I’ve always wanted to check out New Orleans. Thanks for the tips and advice will definitely use it when I’m in the area.

  2. New Orleans now! This is what I love about reading posts and blogs on the internet. Taking me to new places I don’t have any knowledge of! Thanks!

  3. Well this sounds like a whole lot of fun! Steven Tyler from Aerosmith wandering around too!? I’m so jealous, what an unforgettable experience. I’d love to attend one day but I haven’t been anywhere in America yet!

  4. I loved your account of your travel to New Orleans. I am from India, but always wanted to visit because it is where my favourite celebrity is from! Ellen

  5. Nice pictures. Beautiful theme and loved the post. The place seems very beautiful and with friends it will be great to explore too.

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